Have Fun ;)
تعقيب لارس فيلكس علي الكاريكاتير
Dear Ashraf, You are very good. I just love your pictures. And again I am very honoured. I hope you can understand that I am not an evil man. My intentions are properly artistic. I am not against Islam or muslims. We must be able to laugh
even at the holy things. All the best to you Lars Vilks
وهو ما شجعني لأرسل له خطاب أشرح فيه وجهة نظري تجاه أفكاره الغريبة
Dear Vilks
No, You can't laugh at the holy things, otherwise you will not be able to respect any thing on this planet.
wait a second, what is FUNNY in your drawings? it's just insulting with out any meaning.
i don't believe that you are trying to tell me you are not aganist Islam or Muslims!!! how come ?!! How can i draw my self (for example) peeing on the swedish flag (just the flag not a prophet or your holy book) just for fun , and still RESPECT you?
you may not an evil man, but how can i believe that you are a cartoonist? is that the cartoon terms? what is (ART) in your drawings ?
i'm going to build a blog with a message for you, and for all cartoonists about the limits of freedom of expression we all must be aware . and to show that we are NOT terrorists, we are completely AGANIST terrorism, while you all can't understand the difference between True muslim and terrorist. Both believe in Mohammed but one of them is good , and the other is just Criminal. so we MUST let Muhammed out of this.
Don't think that i'm happy with my caricatures of you, it's not my terms in drawing but i wanted to show you the same terms you are using in drawing a cartoon .
Ashraf Hamdi
No, You can't laugh at the holy things, otherwise you will not be able to respect any thing on this planet.
wait a second, what is FUNNY in your drawings? it's just insulting with out any meaning.
i don't believe that you are trying to tell me you are not aganist Islam or Muslims!!! how come ?!! How can i draw my self (for example) peeing on the swedish flag (just the flag not a prophet or your holy book) just for fun , and still RESPECT you?
you may not an evil man, but how can i believe that you are a cartoonist? is that the cartoon terms? what is (ART) in your drawings ?
i'm going to build a blog with a message for you, and for all cartoonists about the limits of freedom of expression we all must be aware . and to show that we are NOT terrorists, we are completely AGANIST terrorism, while you all can't understand the difference between True muslim and terrorist. Both believe in Mohammed but one of them is good , and the other is just Criminal. so we MUST let Muhammed out of this.
Don't think that i'm happy with my caricatures of you, it's not my terms in drawing but i wanted to show you the same terms you are using in drawing a cartoon .
Ashraf Hamdi
فكان هذا رده المطول .. أرجوكم اللي يفهم منه حاجة يقول لي عشان يا إما هو راجل إهبل ، يا إما انا مابفهمش إنجليزي
Dear Ashraf, Our conversation is important. I guess one can say that we have different standpoints but meeting them with a good will to understand. I am not a cartoonist but a conceptual artist. I began as painter and drawer but since many years I am working with projects. When I made the drawing of M as a dog this was actually for a small exhibition in Sweden. My aim was to show how the political agenda is in the artworld. You can make caricatures of Bush, Israel, Jesus, Jewish religion but not on Islam. My contribution was censored by security reasons. Then it became news and were spread all over Sweden and outside the artworld. It became another project. But interesting: Why can you insult all religions except Islam? In Sweden there is no law against blasphemy but still we have a problem. You can say that I have started an important discussion very much about the integration of Muslims in Sweden. Most important is probably that the Swedish Muslims are participating in the debate. Swedes are very divided in this matter. Some mean that freedom of expression is the most important thing and others mean that there is a moral behaviour not to unnecessary offend Muslims. As an artist I have no political standpoint, my project is made as art. Also very important, the drawing is concerning a principal which is basic in Western thinking: Religion is private and should be totally separated from politics. Yesterday I made a conceptual artpiece with your first picture on my blog. I guess it is not possible for you to show my drawing even when it is a quotations? Or is it possible? All the best from the north Lars